研究领域 三维微纳复合阵列结构可控构筑及其特殊表界面功能研究。结合微加工制造、电化学氧化沉积以及纳米压印技术,模仿蚊眼,水黾腿以及蝴蝶翅膀等表面的三维微纳复合结构,在聚合物以及金属表面实现各种三维微纳结构的可控制备,实现宽谱广角超透减反、防雾抗结冰结霜、防污自清洁以及高效催化性能的功能表面。
二 教育及工作经历
1 2015.08-至今, bat365在线平台官方网站,bat365在线平台官方网站,副教授
2 2019.11-2020.11, 德国明斯特大学,bat365在线平台官方网站, 访问学者
2 2012.10-2015.7,中科院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所,仿生部,博士后
3 2006.09-2012.07,中科院生物物理所与中科院苏州纳米所联合培养 材料物理化学 博士
4 2001.09-2005.07,中国农业大学,食品科学与工程,学士
三 承担项目
1 Ruiqing Liang, Yingjun Ma, Junli Chen, Chaoyuan Mei, Wang Xu, Keyu Wu, Juan Li.* Sculpting tiered micro-nanogradient structure by anisotropic stepped anodization for mediating water distribution and transportation. Adv. Mater. Technol., 2301287, 2024.
2 Tong Gou, Ting Liu, Yunpeng Su, Juan Li, * Yiyan Guo, Jingbo Huang, Hongdong Zhang, Ying Li, Zhiying Zhyang, Yingjun Ma, Zhongyue Zhang, Xuefeng Gao, * Bio-inspired inclined nanohair arrays with tunable mechanical properties for effective directional condensed microdroplets self-jumping. Chem. Eng. J., 427, 130887, 2022
3 Yingjun Ma, Tong Gou, Chenchen Feng, Juan Li,* Ting Li, Jingbo Huang, Runmei Li, Zhongyue Zhang, Xuefeng Gao, * Facile fabrication of biomimetic films with the microdome and tapered nanonipple hierarchical structure possessing high haze, high transmittance, anti-fouling and moisture self-cleaning functions. Chem. Eng. J., 404, 127101, 2021
4 Jingbo Huang, Yihao Wen, Juan Li,* Ying Li, Tong Gou, Yingjun Ma, Yu Qu, Zhongyue Zhang, Zhiying Zhang, Ting Liu, Runguang Sun, Wei Ren,* Superhydrophobic-superhydrophilic hybrid surface with highly ordered tip-capped nanopore arrays for surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 37499, 2020.
5 . Chenchen Feng,Zhiying Zhang, Juan Li,* Yu Qu, Dandan Xing, Xuefeng Gao,* Zhongyue Zhang, Yihao Wen, Yingjun Ma, Jinjin Ye, Runguang Sun, * A bioinspired, highly transparent surface with dry-style antifogging, antifrosting, antifouling, and moisture self-cleaning properties. Macromol. Rapid Commun., 1800708, 2018.
6.Yingjun Ma, Yihao Wen, Juan Li,* Jiangbo Lu, Yuxin Li, Yuanxun Yang, Chenchen Feng, Changchun Hao, Zhiying Zhang, Jing Hu, Runguang Sun,* Pore nucleation mechanism of self-ordered alumina with large period in stable anodization in citric acid. J. Electrochem. Soc., 165, E311-E317, 2018.
7. Yuxin Li, Juan Li,* Tiankun Wang, Zhongyue Zhang, Yu, Bai, Changchun Hao, Chenchen Feng, Yingjun Ma, Runguang Sun ,* Facile fabrication of superhydrophobic hybrid nanotip and nanopore arrays as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates. Appl. Sur. Sci., 443, 138, 2018.
8. Yingjun Ma, Yihao Wen, Juan Li,* Yuxin Li, Zhiying Zhang, Chenchen Feng, Runguang Sun,* Fabrication of self-ordered alumina films with large interpore distance by Janus anodization in citric acid. Sci. Rep., 6, 31965, 2016.
9. Juan Li,* Zhiying Zhang, Yuxin Li, Yingjun Ma, Lin Chen, Zhongyue Zhang, Runguang Sun,* Self-organization process of aluminum oxide during hard anodization. Electrochim. Acta, 213, 14, 2016.
10. Juan Li, Yuting Luo, Jie Zhu, Hong Li, Xuefeng Gao,* Subcooled-water nonstickiness of condensate microdrop self-propelling nanosurfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 26391, 2015.
11. Juan Li, Wenjing Zhang, Yuting Luo, Jie Zhu, Xuefeng Gao,* Facile fabrication of anodic alumina rod-capped nanopore films with condensate microdrop self-propelling function. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 18206, 2015.
12. Juan Li, Jie Zhu, Xuefeng Gao,* Bio-inspired high-performance antireflection and antifogging polymerfilms. Small, 10, 2578, 2014.
13. Juan Li, Ling Hu, Congshan Li, Xuefeng Gao,* Tailoring hexagonally packed metal hollow-nanocones and taper-nanotubes by template-induced preferential electrodeposition. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 5, 10376, 2013.
14. Juan Li, Congshan Li, Cheng Chen, Qingli Hao, Zhijia Wang, Jie Zhu, Xuefeng Gao,* Facile method for modulating the profiles and periods of self-ordered Three-Dimensional alumina taper-nanopores. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 4, 5678, 2012.
15. Juan Li, Chuanqiang Zhou, Xin Jin, Wen Piao, Xuefeng Gao,* Controlled nanoscale diffusion-limited chemical etching for releasing polystyrene nanocones from recyclable alumina templates. Chem. Commun., 48, 11322, 2012.
16. Juan Li, Congshan Li, Xuefeng Gao*, Structural evolution of self-ordered alumina tapered nanopores with 100 nminterpore distance. Appl. Surf. Sci., 257, 10390, 2011.